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    What Every Mother Must Teach Her Children 

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Dr. Clarence Sexton
Published by Crown Publications ()

Today, the world encourages the woman to become independent, to free herself from such responsibilities as a husband and children. Any concept of the biblical privilege to keep the home is lost in zeal for personal freedom. Such an attitude has inflicted vast amounts of damage to the spirituality of children. Dr. Clarence Sexton, in What Every Mother Must Teach Her Children, studies Proverbs 31 to discover the true role for every mother in the lives of her children. Dr. Sexton intertwines the principles of the Bible with his own experiences as a child. The biblical truths that each mother can learn will bless the households of those that practice them. Let us consider what mothers must teach their children.

This mother told her son what he must know one item at a time. God gave me a mother who was keenly interested in the matter of instructing her children. Every mother desires certain things for her children, but it is the Lord, and only the Lord, who gives clear direction and discernment for a mother concerning where to place the emphasis in the matter of instructing her children. Each mother must seek to follow the Lord in order to instruct her children properly. Imagine a mother seated by her son giving these words of wisdom, instructing him and telling him things that he must hear. These are things that a mother must teach her children.

Hardback 89 pages

Price: $13.95


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